As a High Energy Keynote Speaker, George is ready to SPARK positive change at your next event!

Take 5-mins to watch this quick demo, then fill out the inquiry form to schedule a call and explore how George can best be of service.

Client Reviews

Providence Healthcare (RESO)
“He brings the energy!”

“Highly recommended!”

“So glad we worked with him!”

Snippets of George


A Taxi Driver in NYC

Tips for Increased Energy


Maximum Performance and Productivity

Gain more energy, minimize stress and optimize your time

Grab a copy of George’s book! Use these tools and strategies to keep you energized throughout the day, while maximizing your efficiency and productivity.


As Seen on TV

George shares some useful tips and strategies shared on TV with AMNW in Portland

Becoming More Adaptable to Change

Making Your Goals Stick

How to Stay Positive in a Negative World

George has worked with some of the best:

Tony Robbins, John Assaraf, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield and more.




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George Specializes in These Topics:

Adapting to Change, Positive Psychology, Peak Performance and Productivity

Learn More

Top 10 Reasons to Book George

Reason #10: Happy Clients 🙂

Angela Westoff
Maine Health Care Association

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